Tuesday, 5 February 2013

SUTI (SUTIMCo International, Inc) 0.0009

SUTI (SUTIMCo International, Inc) .0009
Contact Info
515 Cabrillo Park Drive Suite 300
Santa Ana, CA 92701
Phone: 949-478-0796      
52 week low .0003
52 week high .23
Average Vol (3m) 14,136,248

 As per last filings 
Common stock; $0.001 par value; 950,000,000 shares authorized;
291,266,811 shares issued and 291,250,144 outstanding as of
September 30, 2012, and 32,637,213 shares issued and 32,617,706
outstanding as of December 31, 2011, respectively 
Business Description
SUTIMCo International, Inc. is a holding company, which utilizes a unique and established platform to launch new technology enterprises based on world-class university research discoveries. SUTIMCo International, through its wholly owned subsidiary SUTIMCo, Inc., provides experienced management to early stage companies, reducing risk and assuring the know-how in launching and growing a new company. In addition to this skilled management team, SUTIMCO can avail itself of the encyclopedic, inform...
"The SUTIMCo Difference"
SUTIMCo is a "product launch" company and it manages joint ventures between universities, investors, and itself.   Product launch is more than just product development or new product marketing.  It combines product definition, technical development, marketing and sales and human development and team building.  The output of the process is a "company" or "division" which is stand alone and can be sold.  It services clients brought to it by SUTI Holdings LP under the terms of a Venture Acceleration Agreement.   In order to be efficient the projects are jointly selected and vetted by both parties. 
"SUTIMCo's Keys to Success!"
SUTIMCo's key to success is reduced cycle time - not just time to market - but actually time to profit.             
Projects are assigned to a Business Unit.  Business Units consist of 4 projects, these business units are usually related to compatible markets or common technologies.
The Business Unit is headed by a COO with Vice Presidents of Marketing, Engineering and Administration all reporting to him.  Each of those people provides management and leadership to all four projects in the Business Unit.  Each project will have a fully dedicated VP of Business Development and the Business Unit will have 6 - 9 additional support staff, not counting specialized staff the Portfolio Company might require.  All the employees of the Business Unit are employees of SUTIMCo.
Business Units are to be placed around the country, and the goal of SUTIMCO international is to create as many Business Units as possible, since each is independent.  Presently the plan is to have Business units in Orange County California, Fairfax County Virginia, Denver Colorado, Connecticut, and Northern New Jersey with possible units in San Diego, Seattle, Orlando, Dallas and Indianapolis.
"SUTIMCo's Objective"
SUTIMCo provides dedicated, experienced support to position each of our portfolio companies for rapid commercialization. The objectives are:
  • Cumulative revenues over 5 years of $150 million
  • High margins      
  • Accelerated prototype production
  • Product design and development to take no longer than 12 months
  • Cash flow breakeven by the third year
  • Profitable in the third year
  • Clear exit strategy
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