Tuesday, 9 October 2012

REVO (Revolutionary Concepts Inc) .0014

Contact Info
  • 13850 Ballantyne Corporate Pl
  • Charlotte, NC 28277

Share Structure
Market Value1 $187,556 a/o Oct 08, 2012
Shares Outstanding 133,968,541 a/o Aug 17, 2012
Float 4,579,621 a/o Feb 14, 2011
Authorized Shares 65,000,000 a/o Mar 30, 2011
Par Value                       0.001
Business Description
Revolutionary Concepts, Inc. is a development stage company focused on the design and development of the Eye Talk Communicator. It serves as an entry management system and gives users the ability to remotely and interactively monitor via two-way communication and control an IP camera while using a personal communication device. Additional uses for the device include medical applications, sporting component, and child monitoring technology. Revolutionary Concepts, Inc is headquartered in Matthew...

Revolutionary Concepts Incorporated (RCI) is a generator of sophisticated, ground-breaking concepts of cutting edge, 21st century applications. Through innovation and ingenuity, our patented and patent-pending products impact broad markets and represent superior design concepts that meet the need and demands of our technology-driven world.
RCI is a development stage company focused on the design and development of the EyeTalk Communicator, a smart camera technology. Unlike typical IP camera’s, EyeTalk offers intuitive and independent capabilities and sits upon a platform that interfaces seamlessly with smart devices such as IPhone, IPad, Blackberry’s and Andriods. The wireless wave is driving technology and EyeTalk represents the new frontier of wireless smart devices. EyeTalk is essential and effective in a variety of user applications. The company holds patented and patent pending applications that utilize smart camera technology in medical/healthcare, sporting events, child monitoring and several other key areas. We like to think of EyeTalk as an industry changer.
Our management team is led by Ronald Carter, whose prior experience includes administrative positions with the City of Charlotte, N C (Chief Housing Development Specialist), City of Winston-Salem, NC (Rehabilitation Project Supervisor), Greensboro Housing Authority (Section 8 Director) and Fayetteville Housing Authority (Assistant Director of Leased Housing). Among his accomplishments, he was honored with a Presidential award for Housing Development and Program Design and with the support of the US Department of HUD, founded and served as President of the Professional Housing Rehabilitation Association of NC. Ron experience in managing key operations in city government has contributed to his success with Revolutionary Concepts.
Recent PR
Ronald Carter, President of RCI, announces that, "Unlike the original patent that deals with the technology itself, the five additional patents address ownership of the method and use of the technology." For RCI, this means that the company can aggressively move forward with infringement issues. In addition, the company can begin initiating licensing agreements with multi-million dollar companies who use technology similar to the EyeTalk Communicator.
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