Welcome to the Whispers blog. Here we update our followers on our stock alerts and market trends. Please click the link below to go directly to our home page and sign up for our VIPGOLD membership to receive stock E-Mail alerts for $9.99 US per month give us a try now! http://pennystockwhispers.com/freetrial.php
Saturday, 12 November 2011
Options. Calls/Puts
Here at PennyStockWhispers we believe that allowing our members to benifit from our other expertise would be a great asset to our VIPGOLD members. We have desided to share this information with you at no extra charge. So a VIPGOLD member will not only get penny stock alert but also Option alerts. If you don't know about option trading please contact us. Like penny stocks options can produce rewards of 100-3000 percent depending on the play. We have made our first options alert on our VIPGOLD twitter account. We will be issuing lots of options alerts each week so stay tuned. Options like Penny Stocks have a great risk so please invest with your head and not with your heart. Please do your own research as well. These alerts are only for information proposes only.
Tuesday, 18 October 2011
ENKG: 0.0005
We alert this stock to our VIPGOLD members first yesterday and our FREE members this time also. In a matter of a day this stock surged to 1400% in one day. We have gotten many thank you emails and we are very happy to serve. Just to show you that slow and steady wins the race and instead of throwing many many stock picks per month we tend to have less picks but quality one. We will have our new alert for our VIPGOLD members very soon.
Friday, 23 September 2011
GRPR 0.0188
GRPR: We alerted this stock at the 0.0188 range and after a slight pull back it reached highs of 0.045 bringing our members greater gains once again. With the likely hood of a recession we have not been making many alerts. You can see in our blog that we forwarned everyone in the month of August of another recession around the corner. Once the recession reaches the bottom we will be looking for possible alerts as we firmly believe that during the recession is the best time to invest. In anycase GRPR brought in max gains of 139%
Monday, 22 August 2011
SPAH 0.0005
SPAH: We alerted this stock at the 0.0005 levels and it reached a high of 0.0012. As gold prices head higher this one is one to watch. We believe gold is heading to the 2000 levels and if you are a futures trader now would be a good time to trade gold futures and go long. We are very happy about our SPAH alert and our VIPGOLD members are making the money as our slow and steady tactic seems to be working well. Avoiding the losers and picking the winners by waiting for the perfect investment. We should be having another alert soon so keep a eye on us on twitter.
Monday, 8 August 2011
Second recession highly likely
Here at Pennystockwhispers we have been very silent lately. It is a part of our investment strategy. A second recession is highly likely and our experts have said it is time to stay cash rich and wait for the perfect time to invest in a large mid and small capital companies. Names like Bank of America, etc. Stay tuned for our alert. Best think anyone can do is stay cash rich. No sense in risking to invest in a penny stock which is a high risk investment in a high risk environment ( second recession). We believe companies that are in the natural resources and good name financial stocks will be a good investment. If you have any questions feel free to e-mail us. As a wise investor would say "invest into the fear". It is fear that will make many companies go undervalued and that is the perfect time to scoop up some shares.
Thursday, 30 June 2011
June.30.2011 Trading Review
EGOC: We alerted this stock at the 0.0006 level a few days ago to VIPGOLD members and today it has closed at 0.0009 for a quick 50%. We have also alerted a new stock today to VIPGOLD members and we expect more gains to come from our stock picks. We have been silent for awhile but we are always watching the markets. The markets have shifted for awhile and now that this Greek problem is being delt with it is our opionion that we once again make a re-entry to the penny stock investment world. Sometimes it's better to wait out a storm instead of rushing in. We are back and we look forward to making gains for us and our members. Happy Weekend members.
Monday, 6 June 2011
June 06..2011 Trading Review
AVEW: We alerted this stock to our VIPGOLD members at 0.0006 as a mid to long term play on Friday. Today it hit a high of day of 0.0009 and closing at 0.0008 with massive accumulation taking place. We suspect that the float is close to being locked on this one and we expect greater gains in the days/weeks to come. The company released big news today following the big MMA event in which they reported 7000 viewers. We also noticed a new E-Store that has just opened up. They have also stated that a mobile app is in the works (MMA facebook type chat) and a Martial Arts Expo July alongside UFC. UFC has had great success and we don't see any reason why AVEW will not follow in the footsteps of the UFC. We are extremely bullish about AVEW.
Friday, 27 May 2011
May.27..2011 Trading Review
SPFM-0.0002: We alerted this stock to our FREE members and our VIPGOLD members at 0.0002 on April.16.2011 as a long term play and this week it hit a high of 0.0006 bringing our members 200% in gains. We love these kinds of plays because we are buying it at the bottom and virtually eliminating any downside leaving the stock to go only one way and that is up. We got many thank you e-mails and we are once again happy to see that we have strengthened our members portfolios. Have a great weekend members.
Wednesday, 25 May 2011
May.25.2011 Trading Review
SPFM: We alerted SPFM to all of our members as a long term play at 0.0002 and today it hit a high of 0.0006 once again boosting capital for us and our members. We again have proven why PennyStockWhispers is on of the best stock analysts currently in operation that offer memberships to people willing to make a profit with us. We are very happy about this play. Patience has been rewarded to our members that have been waiting with us this past month for this long term play of ours to take effect.
Wednesday, 18 May 2011
Trading Review for May.18.2011
Big PR out on May.18.2011 Regarding a merger:
BEIJING, May 18, 2011 (MARKETWIRE via COMTEX) -- China Food Services, Corp. (PINKSHEETS: GDHI) today announces that it has signed a letter of intent "LOI" for a merger with California Grapes International, Inc (CGI).
CGI is an innovator in international wine sales and distribution. The Company has developed the process to achieve the ultimate in a "Value Added" sales and distribution model by providing direct retail, strategic account management, wholesale distribution partners, comprehensive marketing programs and wine education. By focusing on international markets, CGI has identified and developed the necessary marketing, operations and sales support mechanisms to help domestic wineries realize the opportunity of international sales. The current business model of most distribution does not provide for an effective approach to presenting their products beyond a direct sale of a wineries' tasting room. CGI offers an approach for the winery of providing the true value of their wine to the buyer.
We here at pennystockwhispers.com believe that the time to for GDHI has come. The liquor business has always been a great one and this pending merger will be a big step for greater value to be added to GDHI. The company is Pinksheet current tier which will help the merger happen. Not many companies want to merger with another company that has a bad tier rating on pinksheets.com. We alerted this stock in the 0.0004-0.0005 range and we believe this company is currently undervalued. The chart is showing a reversal pattern. Today we saw plenty of volume and our opinion is that the support lines are getting stronger and stronger. That's it for tonight members. Have a good night.
Monday, 16 May 2011
Trading Review for May.16.2011
HPNN-0.0003: We alerted this stock to our VIPGOLD members at 0.0003 and at 0.0004 to our FREE members and then again alerted it to our FREE members at 0.0003 when it made a pull back on Friday of last week. We alerted our VIPGOLD members afterwards that on Monday this stock has a good chance of making a run. Surely enough today this stock reached a high of 0.0008 giving our members gains of 166%. We are very happy about this play and we look forward to finding another winner for our VIPGOLD members.
Wednesday, 11 May 2011
DKAM 0.0022
DKAM: We alerted this stock yesterday to our VIPGOLD members at 0.0022 and today it reached a high of 0.003, bringing decent gains of 36% in a short time. We are happy about this play. 'In and out' in a short time is a safe way to invest and it is a new trading idea that we are putting into effect.
Friday, 6 May 2011
VIPGOLD alerted KING in the 0.0003-0.0004 range
KING: We alerted KING to our VIPGOLD members in the 0.0003-0.0004 range as a long term play and today we saw a nice spike to 0.0012 yielding max profits of 200%. We are extremely happy about this play and we would like to congratulate our VIPGOLD members.
Thursday, 5 May 2011
VIPGOLD alerted AAVG @ 0.0022
Today we alerted AAVG at 0.0022 to our VIPGOLD members and at 0.0029 to our FREE members. This MOMO alert reached a high of day of 0.0042 bringing our members good gains. Some people complained that they did not receive the alert on time, others said they did not sell on time. As a rule of thumb we encourage our members to keep a keen eye on twitter so they see the alert once it is issued. Our recommendation is that once you have reached anywhere over 50 percent in profits, you should sell right away. The whole point of MOMO alerts is to give our members quick profits in less than an hour.
Wednesday, 27 April 2011
VIPGOLD alerted CLRI to VIPGOLD members
We alerted CLRI at 0.003 today and it hit a high of 0.04 in a matter of 15 mins or so bringing in max profits of 1250%. We are overjoyed about this stock and would like to congratulate the VIPGOLD members who have made money on this play. Our VIPGOLD members are our finest members. We are getting thank you e-mails today and we are very happy to provide gold standard service to our VIPGOLD members.
Monday, 25 April 2011
TECA Alerted at 0.0002 and 0.0003
TECA: We alerted TECA today to our VIPGOLD members at 0.0002 and our FREE members at 0.0003. On the same day it reached a high of 0.0012 bringing max profits to our VIPGOLD members of 500% and max profit to our free members of 300%. We are very pleased that we once again provided value to our members portfolios. We are also happy to report that the penny stock market has shifted somewhat back to what it was in Jan-March of this year. We do not usually alert our FREE members of our stocks picks and if we do it will be after we alert our VIPGOLD members so please sign up as a VIPGOLD MEMBER,
Wednesday, 20 April 2011
VIPGOLD Alerted ZNNC at 0.0016
ZNNC reached a high of 0.0058 and we are happy to report big gains for our VIPGOLD members. Congrats to whoever made money here.
Tuesday, 19 April 2011
Saturday, 16 April 2011
Currently at 0.0002. We are alerting this stock as a long term investment. Since this stock is a long term play and since both levels of memberships won't have any problems picking up cheap shares we see no harm in alerting both levels of members. Our experts have told us that they see big value in this company and we are very excited to be the first to raise awareness regarding SPFM. Naturally we hear the whispers before the crowd and it is our opinion that making a entry now would be a good move considering our target price in the months to come.
Spoofem.com USA
Contact Info
- 6050 Peachtree Pkwy
- Suite 240-147
- Norcross, GA, 30092
- Website: http://www.spoofem.com
- Phone: 866-354-4288
- Email: contactus@spoofem.com
SPOOFEM.COM was created by Gregory D. Evans, who is ranked as one of the world’s number one computer security experts. SPOOFEM is a forward thinking company that works to anticipate and develop services and products that our customers need.
SPOOFEM.COM’s Mission is to be a Forward-thinking company that will provide customers with products and service (home & small business video surveillance systems, computer surveillance and spy equipment) and anticipate the ever changing technical environment. Continually provide cutting edge products and technological assistance.
Flagship product is the caller ID spoofing service which allows users to call any number and have any 10 digit telephone number show up in the caller ID. It also includes features like voice disguising, call recording, and text messaging from a different number. Since 2007, over 2 million calls have been made using our service. Although it’s most frequently used for caller ID spoofing, FBI and law enforcement officials across the nation utilize SPOOFEM.COM services to aid in the search for fugitives and criminals.
Customers can also surf the web anonymously using SPOOFNET. Additionally, SPOOFEM.COM now boosts a cutting edge spy shop that supplies our customers with all of their spy needs. Essentially, SPOOEM.COM is your one stop shop for all of your spying needs. We even give you up-to-date entertainment news and gossip on our celebrity blog.
SPOOFEM.COM offers more free and powerful tools than any other identification spoofing service such as SPOOFTEXT and SPOOFMAIL. These services allow you to send anonymous text messages and emails.
Share Structure, as of March 22, 2011
• AS# 4,000,000,000
• OS# 2,020,590,870
• Restricted# 1,010,301,344
• FLOAT# 1,010,289,526
BlackBerry Appoves SPOOFEM.COM to Develop Applications http://www.marketwire.com/press-release/BlackBerry-Appoves-SPOOFEMCOM-to-Develop-Applications-1286036.htm
Google Approves SPOOFEM.Com Android Application http://www.marketwire.com/press-release/Google-Approves-SPOOFEMCom-Android-Application-1110804.htm
Google Accepts SPOOFEM.COM's First Andriod Application http://www.marketwire.com/press-release/Google-Accepts-SPOOFEMCOMs-First-Andriod-Application-1283212.htm
Apple Accepts SPOOFEM.COM's iPhone Application http://www.marketwire.com/press-release/Apple-Accepts-SPOOFEMCOMs-iPhone-Application-1180476.htm
SPOOFEM.com USA Sets New Heights to Move Company to OTCBB http://www.marketwire.com/press-release/SPOOFEMcom-USA-Sets-New-Heights-to-Move-Company-to-OTCBB-1424244.htm
From the above PR: "In addition to moving to the OTCBB, SPOOFEM.com USA consultants are reviewing the company's net worth to analyze if the company meets the correct qualifications to move to the NASDAQ Small Caps, or have the option to merge with a company currently at that financial level. The estimated time process is between 90 - 120 days."
Thursday, 14 April 2011
Wednesday, 30 March 2011
Trading Review for March.30.2011.
Hello members. We are very pleased with today's trading action.
TXHE: We alerted TXHE first thing in the morning at 0.0027 just as we said we would at 9:40am if market conditions were just right and they were. From our 0.0027 alert it reached a high of 0.0088 bring in max gains in the amount of 226% for the day.
EXRG:Not bad at all. EXRG was alert by us via twitter yesterday at 0.0015 and it reached a high of 0.002.
TXHE: We alerted TXHE first thing in the morning at 0.0027 just as we said we would at 9:40am if market conditions were just right and they were. From our 0.0027 alert it reached a high of 0.0088 bring in max gains in the amount of 226% for the day.
EXRG:Not bad at all. EXRG was alert by us via twitter yesterday at 0.0015 and it reached a high of 0.002.
We may have a alert tomorrow at 9:30am depending on market conditions via twitter only. That's it for tonight members. Have a goodnight.
Tuesday, 29 March 2011
Trading Review for March.29.2011.
Hello members and we hope you all had a great trading day. We have been silent for awhile due to the fact that we have been searching for the next play that will turn a profit for us and our members. We believe we have. Here at Penny Stock Whispers we believe slow and steady wins the race and we are not in any hurry to make alerts on any companies. We only will make the alert to our members when we have consensus with all the founding members of Penny Stock Whispers.
EXRG- We alerted this stock today at 0.0015 and it reached a high of 0.0018. We believe this company will be a multi-day runner and we are still buying here.
Ecologix Resource Group, Inc.
- Website: http://www.ecologixrg.com
- Phone: 888-564-4974
- Email: ir@ecologixrg.com
Ecologix Resource Group, Inc. (OTCBB: EXRG) is a natural resource company focused on the growing, harvesting, and marketing of high quality timber and will pursue the production of alternative energy solutions. The Company manages a tropical hardwood forest in Cameroon, Africa. The Company grows and harvests trees for the use of lumber and other fine wood products. Ecologix works with the United Nations to develop harvesting standards that are environmentally friendly and will not impact the Company’s production or increase global warming. Additional, the Company will also produce alternative energy such as ethanol and biodiesel. The Company was formerly known as Battery Control Corp. and changed its name to Ecologix Resource Group, Inc. on July 14, 2009. Ecologix Resource Group was founded in 2007 and is based in Beverly Hills, California.
Ecologix has successfully partnered with the local tribe council and the central government of Cameroon to acquire concessions that already contain the richest types of hardwood in the world. Ecologix is equipped to supply timber to the local market and export products internationally. Ecologix is working closely with the United Nations to develop timber exploitation standards that will provide a global acceptance of environmentally friendly harvesting practices that will not impact a company's ability to operate and grow profits or increase the threat of global warming through the destruction of rainforest's around the world..
Be ready for our Stock Alert on Wednesday, March,30,2011 and 9:40am sharp. We may not alert it depending on market conditions but so far it looks like we are good to go!
Thursday, 24 March 2011
Trading Review for March.24.2011.
QSGIQ: We alerted this stock via twitter at 0.50 and today closing at 0.415 giving our members a minor loss. We also stated that this play will take a few weeks and it is our opinion that after the consolidation phase is over this stock will bring in gains.
Wednesday, 23 March 2011
Trading Review for March.23.2011.
Today we had 2 alerts and they went very well.
PRXZ: First thing in the morning we alerted this stock at 0.0017 and it ran to a high of 0.0065 giving our members great gains. We were specially pleased with this one. Reaching max gains of 282%.
ACTT: We alerted this stock via twitter and email at 0.02 however our E-Mail service has a 5-7 min delay so we will no longer use E-Mail services to alert our members on stock alerts rather we will send E-Mail reminders of the time that we will alert our stock via twitter. Any member that wishes to recieve our alert will be waiting on twitter to know what our next alert will be. In any case, ACTT had a good run. From 0.02 to 0.0339 giving our members good gains in the amount of 69.5%. This stock may still have more upside to it.
Friday, 18 March 2011
Trading Review for March.19.2011.
Not much to report today. Was a slow day.
KING: We alerted this stock this week at the 0.0008 levels today hitting a intra-day high of 0.001 giving our members decent gains. We also noticed lots of volume in this stock today which is not the norm for this stock.
That's it for today everyone. Have a good weekend.
KING: We alerted this stock this week at the 0.0008 levels today hitting a intra-day high of 0.001 giving our members decent gains. We also noticed lots of volume in this stock today which is not the norm for this stock.
That's it for today everyone. Have a good weekend.
Thursday, 17 March 2011
Trading Review for March.17.2011.
Hello members we hope all of you are well. It has been a crazy few weeks for traders as the up-rise in the middle east continue and recently the devastation that has fallen on Japan in 3 terrifying waves. The first wave was the earth quakes. The 2nd wave was the tsunami that followed. The 3rd and many hope to be the final wave is the continued nuclear saga. 6 nuclear plants having problems and some even leaking radiation due to a reactor melt down. Our hearts and prayers go out to the people of Japan. These events currently unfolding is unreal. For these events all happening at the same time is truly bad timing from a investors point of view. In these markets we are finding it harder to turn a profit but our experts have come with 3 picks this week and all 3 are winners. We are very happy about that and in this current state of the economy we are very impressed with our experts. Here are the 3 stock picks that we alerted.
EFIR: We once again alerting this stock as a potential momo alert due to the fact that we have been hearing a lot of whispers about this company. We alerted this stock as a MOMO alert today via twitter at 0.0019 and it hit a high of 0.0027 on the Intra-day charts on the same day which gave us and our members extra liquidity to work with. Both times we've alerted this stock this month has been a success.
SLRW: We called this stock as a potential multi-day runner at 0.0009 a few trading days ago and today it hit a high of 0.0015 on the Intra-day chart once again strengthening our members portfolios.
APCX: We called this stock at 0.001 yesterday during trading hours and it hit a Intra-day high of 0.0013 yesterday then making a pullback at 0.001 and again going to 0.0013 today. Here at Penny Stock Whispers we believe having shares for long term while flipping at the same time is best. So basically we keep 50% of our shares for long term and another 50% for flipping, we make 20-30% each day in effect earning free shares.We remain extremely bullish about this company, over all we had a extremely good day with all our picks in the green.
That's it for today members. Enjoy the remainder of your day.
SLRW: We called this stock as a potential multi-day runner at 0.0009 a few trading days ago and today it hit a high of 0.0015 on the Intra-day chart once again strengthening our members portfolios.
APCX: We called this stock at 0.001 yesterday during trading hours and it hit a Intra-day high of 0.0013 yesterday then making a pullback at 0.001 and again going to 0.0013 today. Here at Penny Stock Whispers we believe having shares for long term while flipping at the same time is best. So basically we keep 50% of our shares for long term and another 50% for flipping, we make 20-30% each day in effect earning free shares.We remain extremely bullish about this company, over all we had a extremely good day with all our picks in the green.
That's it for today members. Enjoy the remainder of your day.
Wednesday, 16 March 2011
Trading Review for March.16.2011.
SLRW: Alerted by us via twitter at 0.0009 and currently at 0.0012. We believe this is a good play and the chart has bottomed out. Nice bid support and value is increasing nice and slowly. Today's trading action showed lots of accumulation as smart money continues to flow into this company. As the crisis in Japan continues this company is well positioned itself to be involved in the water clean up efforts.
Solarbrook Water Co
- Website: http://www.solarbrookwaterandpower.com
- Phone: 202-241-0011
- Email: info@solarbrookwaterandpower.com
SolarBrook Water and Power Corporation, headquartered in Raleigh, North Carolina, maintains a core focus of seeking out synergistic acquisitions that will provide capital appreciation and income for its portfolio companies. The mission of SolarBrook is to acquire and develop innovative technologies and businesses that will improve the quality of water throughout the world by means of detection, treatment and removal of contaminants. SolarBrook also seeks to provide integrated clean power alternatives for remote and off-grid systems, further expanding market potential.
March .2.2011- The company
announced the completion of two projects in Wake County, North Carolina. One was the Wake County Eagle Ridge system upgrade, and the other was the nearby Wake County Indian Creek Overlook project. Both were completed within the anticipated timeframe and budget
Additionally, Solarbrook has signed on two new distributors, AquaMag, and MeM Water to assist with company expansion, AquaMag, which utilizes proven technologies to remove clay, silt, municipal waste, metal precipitates, oil, grease, inorganic waste and animal waste from water, will be used for liquid separation processing. Also, MeM Water has been brought on to expand the push into the potable water field. MeM water designs water bagging systems for use in the US, and overseas.
APCX: We believe today's pullback is a perfect time to make a entry in this stock. Lots of eyes on on this one and it is our opinion that at the current price of 0.001 this stock stands to be very undervalued. Massive accumulation has been taking place and we believe it is only a matter of time before this investment reaches it's true potential.
AppTech Corp
App Tech is in the business of developing mobile applications for international markets throughout the world. App Tech is focused on multi platform apps designed to run on device operating systems such as Apple I-Phone, Google Android, Research In Motion, Microsoft Mobile, Palm, the O-Phone in China, and others.
Since the inception of Apple’s App Store, users have downloaded over 2 billion applications, or apps, creating massive demand for applications on multiple platforms. The App Store has proven a major market exists for mobile computing. However, a universal marketplace has not yet been created to meet the demands of both consumers and developers on operating systems of all kinds, including Google Android, Apple iPhone, RIM operating systems, Palm operating systems, and the new China based oPhone operating system.
- Website: http://www.apptechglobal.com
- Phone: 281-296-5778
- Email: eric@apptechglobal.com
MGRN: We continue to be very impressed with this company. Today healthy trading took place. We also noticed that today the pinksheet updated the company to current information which is a very big deal for us. This company is in the perfect industry at the right time. We continue to be very bullish with this company and it is our opinion that some form of big news will be out that will shock everyone. We originally alerted this stock at 0.0004 and we believe the consolidation period is over.
Tuesday, 15 March 2011
Trading Review for March.14.2011.
We alerted this stock not to long ago via at 0.0005 and after making our re buy call at 0.0005 once again. This stock went to high of 0.0011 giving our members over 100% in profits. We are very happy with this trade.
We alerted this stock via twitter at 0.0004 and today it give our members over 200% in gains reaching highs of 0.0014 and finally consolidating in the 0.001 range with record breaking volume in terms of share price. Lots of money is going into this stock and it is our opinion that this story is not even close to being over. With the current oil trend pointing upwards in terms of price it is our opinion that investors should keep a close eye on MGRN.
Friday, 11 March 2011
Trade Review March.11.2011
Today was a very interesting day. Our alert on MGRN was a success once again. We alerted this stock at 0.0004 and it reached a high of 0.001. We are very pleased with this company and the new filings look very interesting showing other signs that the company has awakened itself and going forward looking to boost itself. We still remain confident in this stock and are looking forward to the future.
Today we alerted CTCC at 0.0204 via twitter. Our records show that our E-Mails did not reach some of our members on schedule. We have always told our members that twitter is the fastest way to communicate with our members. In any case the stock went to 0.027 giving us and our members decent gains. That's it for tonight members. Have a great weekend.
Today we alerted CTCC at 0.0204 via twitter. Our records show that our E-Mails did not reach some of our members on schedule. We have always told our members that twitter is the fastest way to communicate with our members. In any case the stock went to 0.027 giving us and our members decent gains. That's it for tonight members. Have a great weekend.
Thursday, 10 March 2011
Trade Review March.10.2011
Hello members. We hope you had a great trading day today. We had a Penny Stock Whispers MOMO alert right in the morning.
We alerted EFIR at 0.0018 and it hit a high of 0.0035 today. As soon as we alerted it we noticed the market markers gaped up the price to 0.0023 so our members would of been able to get at the 0.0023 levels and no lower. Still it gave us and our members decent gains and we are very happy with this momo alert. Once again we are getting thank you letters and again we reply by saying that is what we're here for. We are having a power hour alert on Friday at 3pm EST. Be ready members this is a big one. That's it for tonight members. Enjoy the rest of your night.
Wednesday, 9 March 2011
Trading Review for March.9.2011.
Today was a very exciting day as we alerted PUPS as our momo alert for today and we saw it going from 0.0015 to 0.0033. Over 100 % gains once again strengthening our members portfolios.
We also alerted a stock MGRN not to long ago at 0.0004 and it reached 0.0007 a day after our alert up 75% from when we alerted it. We are getting lots of thank you E-Mails and we are very happy to hear from all of you and we are very excited about the future of Penny Stock Whispers. We welcome all forms of traders to join our Penny Stock Whispers family.
We have a hot alert for this Friday at 3:00pm via twitter and E-Mail so stay tuned members. Penny Stock Whispers is really excited about our next alert. That's it for tonight members. Enjoy the rest of your night.
We also alerted a stock MGRN not to long ago at 0.0004 and it reached 0.0007 a day after our alert up 75% from when we alerted it. We are getting lots of thank you E-Mails and we are very happy to hear from all of you and we are very excited about the future of Penny Stock Whispers. We welcome all forms of traders to join our Penny Stock Whispers family.
We have a hot alert for this Friday at 3:00pm via twitter and E-Mail so stay tuned members. Penny Stock Whispers is really excited about our next alert. That's it for tonight members. Enjoy the rest of your night.
Tuesday, 8 March 2011
Trade Review March.8.2011 MGRN
We noticed that MRGN broke the resistance line during the day then exhibiting a pull back. Seems to us that the people that bought at 0.0001-0.0003 range are selling for quick profits in the 0.0004-0.0007 range while new investors move in. This investment is being heavily accumulated and there is no shortage on demand for MGRN. We are pleased that healthy consolidation is taking place while still keeping its recent gains. This is a show of strength and it is our opinion that this investment has just started its upward trend. We are hearing whispers that some news is also on the way so keep your eyes open members.
Monday, 7 March 2011
MGRN 0.0004
We alerted this investment at 0.0004 today. After closing today at 0.0005 we got a call from our stock chart specialist and he has informed us that base on the chart this investment is setting up for a big run. The oil shortage fears continues to spread due to the current crisis in the middle east and it is our opinion that oil will continue on its current upward trend and MGRN will share in that trend as well. This company has chosen the perfect time to wake itself up. We noticed that a quaterly report has not been filled since FEB.2009 and recently on the date of FEB.8.2011 they just released a quartly report followed by a press release exactly one day after. This is the first tail tail sign that a company has awakened itself and is looking to boost itself going forward. In the press release the company has stated that the level of transparency has increased. We also noticed that the asset class for the company has become $2,276,505 looking at the quartly report. These are all good signs.
Here is news from Feb.11.2011 that you will find interesting
"This is a new year for the company and we realize the importance of keeping our shareholders aware of our current operations and that most certainly includes financial information. In order to enhance our shareholders decision making ability we will be continually working towards increasing our transparency. While we are very busy at the moment lining up deals and executing our operations we will be devoting time over the next few weeks to prepare an Initial Disclosure Document for our shareholders which will give them the specific details on our company which they have been waiting for. Once this is completed we will be submitting it to OTC Markets with the expectation of moving the company up to the Current Information Tier."
Monogram Energy, Inc.
Monogram Energy, Inc. is an independent energy company engaged in the acquisition, development, and exploitation of oil and gas properties. The Company specializes in acquiring oil & gas leases with proven reserves that have the potential for increased production
- Website: http://www.monogramenergyinc.com/
- Phone: 646-726-9850
- Email: info@monogramenergyinc.com
Thursday, 3 March 2011
Trade Review March.3.2011
EYSM: We have seen a healthy trading pattern with EYSM from the time it reached a high of 0.0048 and after it consolidated back to the 0.0024 levels. Our chart analyst has said today's trading pattern just confirms our positive notion on EYSM for 2 reasons. (1) Healthy pull back and consolidation while the major support levels are holding. (2) The upward trend line indicator is still in play meaning the general trend for this investment is still upward. We continue to be very positive about this investment.
SMPP: We alerted this stock at 0.0003. This investment continues to impress us and we believe that this investment has not even started yet. Up over 100 percent from our alert at 0.0003. It is our opinion that once this stock breaks the 0.001 levels then it may in fact breakout to unknown new highs. This one is to be put on your radar to say the least.
Wednesday, 2 March 2011
Trade Review March.2.2011
Today we made 2 swing trades. One was GTLL which we alerted at 0.0011 and almost right away reached a high of 0.0014 bring us and our members fast profits. Our first alert of the day was PRGJ which was alerted by us at 0.008 and reached a HOD of 0.0093. It was a pretty slow day for swing trading but we noticed our long term plays are receiving increased activity.
Tuesday, 1 March 2011
Trading Review for March.1.2011.
Alerted by us via twitter at 0.0003
Just like the company name suggests this investment was indeed a opportunity for many of our members today who made a entry in this stock from our alert via twitter at 0.0003. This stock didn't take long and in the same day it reached 0.0006 giving our members 100% in profits once again strengthening our members investment portfolio and giving our members something to smile about. We are extremely happy about that.
Strategic Management & Opportunity Corp.
Website: http://www.smpptech.com
Phone: 800-513-6947
Email: contact@smpptech.com
Strategic Management and Opportunity Corporation is an internet enterprise that is developing a unique platform that allows for end to end sales to production integration for online video production and distribution on the internet. Our platform is able to service the Internet Yellow Page Publishers, independent advertising and marketing platforms, local search and destination websites, newspaper sites, radio station sites and coupon provider wetes
EYSM alerted by us at 0.002 via twitter
We called this investment not to long ago at 0.002 and today it reached a new high of 0.0048. After that we saw lots of profit taking which naturally decreased the stock value bringing it to a day time low of 0.0024. EYSM has closed at 0.003. As the old shareholders sell into the profit taking it is our opinion that a new breed of shareholders are entering EYSM creating a new support level. It is our opinion after the consolidation phase is over we will see this stock heading towards newer highs breaking the 0.0048 levels. We remain extremely bullish about this stock.
Monday, 28 February 2011
Trading review for Feb.28.2011
PFNO : Today we here at Penny Stock Whispers decided to have a small party after we finish up with our whispers BLOG right now. First of all PFNO shocked many today. We alert this stock few trading days ago at 0.0006 via twitter and today it reached a high of 0.0024 bringing our members 300% in profits. Just as we suspected the oil fever is spreading and fear of a oil shortage in the middle east due to the uprising that has been taken place currently has investors rushing to get a early position in Oil and Gas investments.
KING : We also have raised awareness about KING not to long ago believing it to make big gains due to the oil hype and surely enough today we saw KING going up 50% from our early call at 0.001. KING closed in the HOD at 0.0015 and we are extremely pleased with KING. It is our opinion that KING will continue on its uptrend in the days/weeks to come.
EYSM : This investment did not surprise us at all in fact we where shocked that it didn't go higher today until we got a call from our stock chart analyst specialist who has said today's trading is extremely bullish and he expects continued healthy movements for this stock in the future. We here at Penny Stock Whispers are extremely happy. We informed people about EYSM at 0.002 and today it reached a high of day at 0.0042. We continue to be very bullish about this stock.
Friday, 25 February 2011
Today was a slow day in general and we are happy that EYSM exhibited normal and healthy trading pattern and it has held it's support levels with ease. We believe EYSM is a long term play and it's true potential has not even been close to being recognized. It is our opinion that untapped value exists in this company and it shall soon show itself leaving all the flippers and shorters in the dust and zoom past all the people waiting in the sidelines. With a low of 0.0022 and a high of 0.0027 on the intra-day chart it is our opinion that these levels would be the perfect time to accumulate shares on the lows. That's it for tonight members. Have a greak weekend.
PFNO 0.0006
ParaFin Corp.
ParaFin Corporation, a Development Stage company, engages in the acquisition and exploration of Oil and Gas properties. The company was founded in 1978 and is based in Reno, Nevada. The potential of Hydrocarbon Concessions and other opportunities in the Oil & Gas industry have continued to be the focus of the Corporation from 1978 until the present. Effective March 30th, 2010, the Board of Directors of Parafin Corporation have authorized the President to negotiate the acquisition of Hydrocarbon Assets in North America.
We called this hot oil play at 0.0006 and it closed at 0.0007 with a HOD of 0.0008. We believe this hot oil play will do well in the short to mid term given the fact of the current oil crisis that is impacting the global economy.
Review for Feb.25.2011
Todays trading action was pretty slow but we are happy that profits were made and nothing was lost. We first called BYSD at 0.0025 and within a short time it hit a HOD of 0.0033 giving our members desent gains. Then after a pull back again we alerted the same stock at 0.0023 and it made a small move giving us another road of desent gains at 0.0027. We would like to remind our members 3 principles that are important to us. The first and foremost is to help our members to do well in daily trading activities. Second of all is our credibility. Third of all we believe that proper record keeping is key to instill further confidence in our followers and boost our credibility. So we will shortly create a T-Record section of our site in which we will keep a history of our stock picks that we have made for every month of the year. We will state our alert price and how high the stock went after we alerted it. This will allow us and our members to keep track of our preformance. We also alerted today EMXC at 0.0009 and today it closed at 0.001. We beleive greater gains for this undervalued stock in the future.
Thursday, 24 February 2011
Review for Feb.24.2011
Hello members and I hope you are all doing well. Today was a good day in general and if you followed our trading pattern you would have been in the green for today's trading session. First we picked up on a stock HRTE. We called this stock at 0.044 and it went up to 0.046 and made a pull back and based on the indicators and trading that was going on we quickly knew it was time to get out and informed our members of that fact informing them that we are selling our stock at the same price be bought it at 0.044. This stock just did not have the steam it needed to gain traction. No loss but the commission and we are happy about that fact. Currently HRTE sits under at 0.043. We then alerted members about BGOI at 0.0015. Not much time passed before we saw our investment grow. BGOI closed at 0.0027 bring us and our members close to 100 percenet in profits. At this stage in the game we believe it is time to take money off the table but we also believe that BGOI might hit a high of 0.0033 tomorrow before making it's pull back at which time we might make a re-entry. EYSM continues to impress us and it still remains our long term play. Please note that we have no idea what members think about us. Members seem to profit and forget about PennyStockWhispers. Please go to our home page http://www.pennystockwhispers.com/ and leave us feedback under our testimonials tab. We would love to hear from you. That's it for tonight members.
Wednesday, 23 February 2011
Feb.23.2011 Trading review.
Well folks we had some nice gainers today EYSM give us nice profits HOD 0.0033. VCTY was called yesterday at 0.0013 and we stated that a exit at 0.0016-0.0018 is ideal. VCTY HOD was at 0.0016. CBIS was called today at 0.11 HOD was 0.137 same day. IMTS wow what a monster. Called at 0.0015 HOD 0.007. For the newbies HOD stands for high of the day. We usually get thank you E-Mails and we sure got alot of them today with our IMTS alert but we would wish that some our members would comment on our testimonials sections of our site to futher instill confidence in the people that are standing in the sidelines and watching while we make our trades. We will also be opening a new section in our site under the tab T-Record standing for trade record. We will post historical data on our calls and how high the stock went for every month to futher instill confidence in our non members and also so that our members have a record of all the Penny Stock Whispers stock picks. All which can be confirmed from our twitter alerts and please feel free to keep your own records and compare it to ours at the end of the month. We are having great profits here and we look forward to our trading day tomororw. That's all for tonight members. I would like to wish all of our Whispers members a good night.
EYSM called by us at 0.002 HOD 0.0033
EYSM (Elysium Internet) .0023 cents (After hours)
Elysium Internet was indirectly mentioned here last week when the stock was around the .0011-.0015 range. Today we alerted EYSM via our VIP Twitter account PSGEEKSVIP when the stock price was .0020 cents.During the later hours of the day EYSM went on to impress hitting an intraday high of .0026 cents. Since last week we have gone deep and went digging on this extremely undervalued gem and uncovered some very interesting things about this company. We are pleased to offer everyone our complete Due Diligence on this great company.
We know that there is No reverse split, No dilution, A/S will reduce to 3.5 billion from 5.165 billion. The company makes money and profit. Sales beat more than 15% in January, 50% in February.
1) A/S will reduce from 5.165 billion to 3.5 billion (waiting for the news)
2) The company had agreement with LookSmart (trades at $1.77 dollars on NASDAQ)
3) One of the international company with 5000 workers will be a partner with EYSM. (We will see news end of this month)
4) The name will change from EYSM to thedirectory.com. It will be good for EYSM shareholders. thedirectory.com is the biggest domain of EYSM. By the way EYSM has 2000 domains.
5) Thedirectory.com will be the online yellow page of the U.S.A
6) When you listen to the conference call you will get that CEO Scott says "EYSM either will be cash cow or will be acquired.
7) EYSM's biggest rival Local.com (trades 4.11 dollars on the NASDAQ). Mega Hedge fund Blackrock, Inc. recently announced that it has acquired a 6.8% equity stake in Local search engine Local.com
8) EYSM will be fully listing company and sec reporting company and shares will trade OTCBB market.
9) This year revenue expectation 3 million dollars 40% will be profit.
10) CEO owns over 1 billion shares
11) The CEO has bought shares at cents level
12) Finally EYSM will be a strong take over candidate
Again read PRs, follow thedirectory.com, listen to the conference call.
This company is a very transparent company. You can see what they do online. If you have any questions ask the CEO Scott.
What will be in the next PRs?
1) A/S reduction from 5.165 billion to 3.5 Billion (very soon, possibly days).
2) Agreement with the international company that has 5000 workers (in end of his month).
3) Name and ticker change. From EYSM to thedirectory.com (very soon, days).
2) The company had agreement with LookSmart (trades at $1.77 dollars on NASDAQ)
3) One of the international company with 5000 workers will be a partner with EYSM. (We will see news end of this month)
4) The name will change from EYSM to thedirectory.com. It will be good for EYSM shareholders. thedirectory.com is the biggest domain of EYSM. By the way EYSM has 2000 domains.
5) Thedirectory.com will be the online yellow page of the U.S.A
6) When you listen to the conference call you will get that CEO Scott says "EYSM either will be cash cow or will be acquired.
7) EYSM's biggest rival Local.com (trades 4.11 dollars on the NASDAQ). Mega Hedge fund Blackrock, Inc. recently announced that it has acquired a 6.8% equity stake in Local search engine Local.com
8) EYSM will be fully listing company and sec reporting company and shares will trade OTCBB market.
9) This year revenue expectation 3 million dollars 40% will be profit.
10) CEO owns over 1 billion shares
11) The CEO has bought shares at cents level
12) Finally EYSM will be a strong take over candidate
Again read PRs, follow thedirectory.com, listen to the conference call.
This company is a very transparent company. You can see what they do online. If you have any questions ask the CEO Scott.
What will be in the next PRs?
1) A/S reduction from 5.165 billion to 3.5 Billion (very soon, possibly days).
2) Agreement with the international company that has 5000 workers (in end of his month).
3) Name and ticker change. From EYSM to thedirectory.com (very soon, days).
4) End of this month the conference call, sales and subscribers (end of this month).
5) After New Jersey, opening the another satellite offices. The company will open many satellite offices all over the U.S.A (within weeks).
6) Payment cash to debt holders (in April).
7) Announcement of share buy back (in March).
Here is a CC launched from the CEO of EYSM!
Interview.wmv, u need to download it!
I have listened to it and he says many good things such as no RS, no dillution, Name and Ticker change
NOTES FROM THE conference call via someone else! Link is below!
Tuesday, 22 February 2011
Recap for Feb,18,2011 and Feb 22.2011
Hello everyone. Hope you all had a great long weekend. Lets start our recap with PWLK. This stock was alerted via twitter at 0.0012 on Friday and it reached a high of 0.0016 giving members extra liquidity to work with. It was a one day MOMO alert and us here at Penny Stock Whispers love fast money. Our next alert on Friday was PPBL which was alerted at 0.035. We were happy to see that it reached a high of 0.043 today giving us and our members a profitable way to start the trading week. At the start of trading today we alerted APTD at 0.0008 and it currently sits at 0.0009. We expect greater potential to come for this stock. It is our opinion that quite accumulation is going on with APTD and the price was kept down deliberately so that certain parties could accumulate on a lower prices. Later today we alerted EYSM at 0.002 as a long term play but later in the day we decided to alert members to sell and by back on the lows. EYSM still in play and we can't wait for it's potential to be awakened. We also alerted NAWL at 0.0004 near the end of last week and today it reached a high of 0.0007 giving our members 75% profits in only a few trading days.That's it for now folks. Enjoy the rest of your day.
Sunday, 20 February 2011
King Resources Inc.

We alerted members via twitter about KING when the asking price was at 0.001. Almost right away we saw the asking price getting bought and the asking price started trending upwards. KING which once was a dead shell has now done a reverse merger with a viable start up company by the name of Cressent Energy Inc which is an independent oil and gas company actively engaged in the exploration, development and production of oil and gas in the great state of Texas. We hear that KING is currently negotiating for a 2nd merger and it is our opinion that this merger should be closed shortly. With Oil prices holding steady currently and as prices slowly continuing to climb on a upward trend we believe KING will have a bright future.
Nature Well Inc.
NAWL is looking like it will run more from our alert at 0.0004. Keep your eyes on this one. It is our opinion that accumulation is going on very quietly here. It is our opionion for this stock to reach at least 0.0008-0.0009 levels and after it breaks the 0.001 resistance level it will be in break out territory. Again this stock is worth watching at the very least.

MigraSpray is a patented, clinically tested, over-the-counter homeopathic drug that is indicated as a comprehensive approach for the treatment and prevention of migraine headaches (MigraSpray can also be effective for treating the pain and symptoms associated with menstrual cycles as well as tension headaches and hangovers).
NAWL is looking like it will run more from our alert at 0.0004. Keep your eyes on this one. It is our opinion that accumulation is going on very quietly here. It is our opionion for this stock to reach at least 0.0008-0.0009 levels and after it breaks the 0.001 resistance level it will be in break out territory. Again this stock is worth watching at the very least.
MigraSpray is a patented, clinically tested, over-the-counter homeopathic drug that is indicated as a comprehensive approach for the treatment and prevention of migraine headaches (MigraSpray can also be effective for treating the pain and symptoms associated with menstrual cycles as well as tension headaches and hangovers).
PowerLock International Corp.
Congratulation to all our members who invested in PWLK from our twitter alert at 0.0012. This stock continued to trend upwards on the same day we alerted it and reached a intraday high of 0.0016. Not bad for one of our MOMO alerts. PWLK closed at 0.0008 and we believe this could be the time for our members to accumulate shares in the near future in preparation of a second run.
Notice to all
Don’t forget to sign up to our FREE E-Mail alerts at http://www.pennystockwhispers.com/ and also to add us to twitter for live hot alerts. Add PSTOCKWHISPERS to your twitter. We would like to thank all members for participating last week in our stock alerts. We got plenty of E-Mails from members thanking me for easy gains we had. Have a safe and happy long weekend everyone.
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